Worker Wins: Real Progress for Working People
Our latest roundup of worker wins includes numerous examples of working people organizing, bargaining and mobilizing for a better life.
WGAE Members Ratify First Contract Under New Gizmodo Management: Nine months after the online tech news outlet was acquired by a European media company, Writers Guild of America East (WGAE) members at Gizmodo have ratified their first contract with new management. The 14-person bargaining unit unanimously approved the new deal with Keleops Media that builds on victories secured in previous agreements. Highlights of the three-year contract include artificial intelligence safeguards, raises, a higher 401(k) match rate, maintenance of successorship language and more. “The Gizmodo USA Union is excited to have a new contract with Keleops,” said the bargaining unit in a press release. “We are looking forward to continuing to cover the tech industry with integrity. We’re excited to collaborate with management and grow in ways we were stifled before.”
Judge Orders Post-Gazette to Restore Striking Workers’ Health Care and Resume Bargaining: A U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on Monday that Pittsburgh Post-Gazette management must restore health care benefits to its striking journalists and resume bargaining with the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, The NewsGuild-CWA Local 38061. Members have been on strike since October of 2022 after management at the news outlet refused to bargain in good faith and illegally made unilateral changes to the workers’ health care plan. This ruling is a major win and massive development because it directly addresses the core demands of this work stoppage—which is now the longest ongoing strike in the United States. “Members of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh have stood and fought against the Post-Gazette’s illegal union busting since October 2022, and today we have been given the victory that we’ve held the picket line waiting for so long,” said Zack Tanner, president of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh, in a press release. “Our win today is a major victory not just for us striking workers, but for all workers in Pittsburgh who want to stand up and fight.” “NewsGuild-CWA members have a saying: whatever it takes,” NewsGuild-CWA President Jon Schleuss added. “Guild members have struck for 29 months knowing we were right and the company broke federal law. Today the 3rd [U.S.] Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with us. We’re thrilled and will continue doing our job holding power to account, especially when it’s the boss.”
Oregon Senate Passes Bill Extending Unemployment to Striking Workers: Oregon state senators voted on Thursday to pass legislation that would level the playing field in contract negotiations by making striking workers eligible for unemployment benefits. The bill now heads to the House of Representatives, where it will be considered by the Labor and Workplace Standards Committee. If passed, Senate Bill 916 would make Oregon the first state in the country to extend unemployment benefits to striking workers in both the public and private sectors. Payments would kick in after two weeks on the picket line under this legislation—a reasonable timeline, given that 86% of strikes last less than 14 days. “The Oregon AFL-CIO applauds the Senate’s passage of SB 916, a critical step toward ensuring that every worker in Oregon has a fair shot at economic security,” said Oregon AFL-CIO President Graham Trainor in a press release. “This bill represents real progress for working people, those who’ve too often been left behind by policies that favor the wealthy and powerful. We’re proud to stand with the workers and community advocates who fought tirelessly to get us here, and we urge the House to move swiftly to send SB 916 to Governor [Tina] Kotek’s desk.”
CLC Support Was Key to Bloomington Workers’ Contract Victory: Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union-UFCW (RWDSU-UFCW) members at the Bloomington, Illinois, Barnes & Noble ratified their first-ever contract earlier this month. Workers at the storefront credit their huge victory in part to the outpouring of support from their union brothers, sisters and siblings at Bloomington-Normal Trades and Labor Assembly (BNTLA). BNTLA has 30 affiliated locals over a four-county, central Illinois area, with about 4,000 members. Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 197—which opened its union hall to Barnes & Noble Union members to use for bargaining—and other unions from around the area mobilized to support the bookstore staff at various actions and walkouts over the course of negotiations to show that the labor movement had their backs in this fight. “The support from other unions was absolutely crucial for our success,” said Zane Crockett, the lead bookseller at the Bloomington store. “Having support on the picket lines, and encouragement within the store raised our group’s morale. The company definitely took notice, and this assisted us in finalizing our contract. We are very grateful for the Bloomington & Normal Trades & Labor Assembly and all the work they do.” BNTLA President Jason Pascal, a Laborers (LIUNA) Local 362 member, added: “The Bloomington & Normal Trades & Labor Assembly is not a huge central labor council, but we strive to practice our union solidarity. Anytime there’s an organizing drive, we want to be there one hundred percent. Many of our affiliated locals are less than 100 members, so we know those unions depend upon solidarity to survive and build spirit.”
Skidmore Faculty Ratifies First Union Contract: Faculty represented by Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 200United at Skidmore College unanimously voted to ratify their first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) last week. The new agreement between Skidmore Faculty Forward and the private liberal arts school covers full- and part-time faculty who are not on the tenure track. The core bargaining goal for members was longer renewable appointments—before the CBA, they worked on short contracts that lasted one to three years and then were terminated with no guarantee of being rehired. Fixing this serial job insecurity was a major highlight of the deal, in addition to increased salary minimums, full parental leave and more. “We are elated that our first collective bargaining agreement has been ratified,” the union said in a statement. “We are incredibly proud of the hard work and thankful for the contributions, big and small, from so many of our colleagues and fellow union members. This contract would not be the life-changing and uplifting document that it is without their support. Thank you to the entire campus community for your support over the years. Together, we won huge gains and improvements in our working conditions and ultimately in our students’ learning conditions.”
Courier Staff Secures Voluntary Recognition: The Writers Guild of America East (WGAE) and digital media company Courier announced Thursday that management has agreed to voluntarily recognize Courier’s staff union. The bargaining unit includes reporters, editors, designers and social media managers. Members of Courier United report productive conversations with the publication and are looking forward to negotiating a contract that ensures the company’s mission. “We are pleased that COURIER has opted to voluntarily recognize our union at this crucial time when media workers everywhere are fighting for stronger protections against layoffs and better pay,” the Courier United Organizing Committee said in a press release. Sara David, WGAE vice president of online media, added, “I’m so happy to welcome the COURIER staff to the Writers Guild of America East. We appreciate that management at COURIER upheld its progressive values by working quickly to recognize the union. Every newsroom benefits from a strong union contract.”
Federal Court Blocks DOGE Access to Social Security Data: On Thursday, a federal judge issued a temporary order preventing Elon Musk’s DOGE from accessing the sensitive Social Security data of millions of Americans. The ruling comes from a lawsuit filed by Democracy Forward on behalf of AFSCME, the Alliance for Retired Americans and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). “The court saw that Elon Musk and his unqualified lackeys present a grave danger to Social Security and have illegally accessed the data of millions of Americans,” said AFSCME President Lee Saunders in a press release. “This decision will not only force them to delete any data they have currently saved, but it will also block them from further sharing, accessing or disclosing our Social Security information.” “We are grateful that the court took strong action to protect every American’s personal data,” said Richard Fiesta, executive director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, in a press release. “Seniors must be able to trust the Social Security Administration will protect their personal information and keep it from falling into the wrong hands.”
Federal Court Blocks DOGE Access to Social Security Data: On Thursday, a federal judge issued a temporary order preventing Elon Musk’s DOGE from accessing the sensitive Social Security data of millions of Americans. The ruling comes from a lawsuit filed by Democracy Forward on behalf of AFSCME, the Alliance for Retired Americans and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). “The court saw that Elon Musk and his unqualified lackeys present a grave danger to Social Security and have illegally accessed the data of millions of Americans,” said AFSCME President Lee Saunders in a press release. “This decision will not only force them to delete any data they have currently saved, but it will also block them from further sharing, accessing or disclosing our Social Security information.” “We are grateful that the court took strong action to protect every American’s personal data,” said Richard Fiesta, executive director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, in a press release. “Seniors must be able to trust the Social Security Administration will protect their personal information and keep it from falling into the wrong hands.”
Kenneth Quinnell
Thu, 03/27/2025 - 11:38